About Us


Revenue Focused

About Us

History of Company

Unified Educators was created by Dr. Barry Meinster in 2004 as a major educational consulting and marketing firm servicing many top colleges and universities in the United States. After creating millions of dollars in revenue for its client universities, the company expanded into additional projects that required  various sets of employees within alternative company infrasctructures. At that point, it was decided to turn toward higher Education finance and investment consulting.

Dr. Barry Meinster


Serving as a consultant for endowment investments, Dr. Meinster brings his unparalleled experience in education and human services to the world of university endowments. His extensive background in various areas of education and consulting provides him with a unique perspective, allowing him to think outside the box and develop innovative strategies for maximizing university endowment investments while advancing the instutition’s mission and inititatives. 

As a consultant for endowment investments, Dr. Meinster is the perfect choice for universities and institutions seeking to optimize their investments and improve their financial standing. With years of experience in education, consulting, and research, Dr. Meinster brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Dr. Meinster’s approach to endowmet investments is unique and innovative. He combines his deep understanding of the education landscape and human services with his proven track record in consulting to create tailored investment recommendations for CIOs and endowment committee members. With his guidance, institutions can not only achieve their financial goals but also align their investments with their mission and initiatives. 

What sets Dr. Meinster apart is his genuine passion for education. He has dedicated over five decades of his career to improving student learning and now brings that same dedication to endowment investments. His keen eye for detail, strategic thinking, and commitment to excellence make him an invaluable resource for universities seeking to enhance their program development and maximize their investments. 

Adding Dr. Meinster to your team as a consultant for endowment investments will undoubtedly bring immense value and expertise to your institution. His exceptional skills and extensive experience make him a trusted advisor for universities looking to secure their financial future while advancing their educational mission. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to work with this acclaimed consultant and take your endowment investments to the next level.

Company Affiliations

Unified Educators is an LLC under DC Global Holding Company owned by Dr. Barry Meinster. Also, owned by DC Global Holding Company is Loveprevailsfilms LLC.

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